The Mountain Brow Blvd. Bridge and Stormwater Management Facility wins the 2004 Project of the Year in the Environmental Category by the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers.
In August 2004 the City of Hamilton awarded a contract to O'Connell Construction Ltd. for the Road Realignment, Bridge Replacement and Stormwater Management Facility on Mountain Brow Boulevard at Albion Falls. The project was completed on time and on budget at a cost of 1.8 million dollars.
HTC is very proud of this great achievement and happy to be able to help communicate the great news. H.J. O'Connell Ltd. quickly updated the news onto using IgnitionWeb’s News Manager. HTC then helped H.J. O'Connell update other sections that required new design layout.
Congratulations to H.J. O'Connell Ltd. on a job well done.