Customer Testimonials

Five months later, our confidence in them has more than been repaid through the quality of their thinking, the elegance of their work and their oustanding customer service. Most important of all, we have a live Web site that was delivered on-budget, ahead of time and has surpassed our expectations in more ways than one.
What I find most impressive about their work was not just that our Web site is superb-looking, with an attention to detail that shows on every screen, but that IgnitionWeb, HTC’s proprietary CMS system, is so easy to use. In-house training was minimal because the administrative screens are logical, intuitive and, unlike many administrative interfaces I’ve seen, as good-looking as the Web sites they support."
Dave Farrant
Vice President, Marketing
Onca Work/Life Solutions

Today, the Association can manage almost the entire site itself; activity schedules, news, memberships, payments, jobs, etc. It really is a fantastic and friendly management tool. So as you can see, we are very satisfied and we are pleased every day with our choice of supplier. "
Nathalie Lachance
Vice President, Electronic Communication
Montreal Marketing Association