Collaboration & Versioning

Workflow Collaboration
Content Status Manager is the collaboration control centre through which the status of published or in-process dynamic content is regulated. Collaboration-enabled sites alert editorial staff about content status and enables Administrators with publishing rights to reject, accept and/or publish the content submitted by Collaborators. Workflow customization according to company hierarchies and management delegation grant final approval to those with publishing rights. Options such as "View log" offer a full publishing and versioning history of items, tracking content as it evolves.
Content Status Manager allows collaboration to be enabled with online publishing modules such as News Manager, Library Manager, Calendar Manager, Careers Manager, Document Distribution Manager, FAQ Manager and Links Manager.

With Content Status Manager, Administrator publishing privileges are divided into two categories: Supervisors (publishers) and Collaborators (editors).

Supervisors have access to Content Status Manager where they can accept, publish or reject content submitted by Collaborators through multiple modules. They also have the option of publishing content directly themselves, or submitting it to Content Status Manager for approval and publication.

Collaborators do not have access to Content Status Manager, and therefore are required to notify other Administrators that content has been created or modified and is ready for review, approval and publication.

Ensures that previous versions are saved and are not overwritten by new changes.

Versioning tracks the document history by date, time and editor, allowing administrators to view content at each stage of modification and to roll back or restore previous versions as necessary.

• Mirrors company hierarchies
• Freelance writers or translators can upload content for review
• Collaborators can submit content without the ability to publish
• Publishing rights can be controlled and monitored
• Enforces desired workflow
• Integrates with IgnitionWeb publishing modules